Can I Mix Different Brands of Spray Paint for Furniture Projects?

Asked By xYz123ab! On

I'm looking to save some money and avoid waste in my furniture project, and I have some leftover spray paint. I have a creamy white that I've used a lot and about a can and a half left, which is good for one layer. Since I want to do multiple layers on a frequently used piece of furniture, I was thinking of adding some leftover cans of other white shades from different brands and with different sheens. I'm hoping I can use those "unwanted" whites for a couple of the layers before finishing with my favorite creamy color. Will this work, or will mixing brands and sheens cause issues? I really want to avoid a third redo of this project!

1 Answer

Answered By smartchoices101 On

If all your paints are from the same product line, you should be fine. Just make sure their chemistry is similar—solvent-based or water-based. If they're different, let each coat cure for a couple of days before applying the next one.


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