Can I see some photos of aged cherry furniture?

Asked By CherryWhisper3$ On

I'm trying to demonstrate to my wife what cherry furniture looks like after it has been aged for a few years. When I search online, I often come across images of either synthetic cherry, antique cherry pieces that are overly red, or brand new furniture that hasn't been exposed to sunlight yet. If anyone could share pictures of cherry wood items that have only had a clear finish applied and have aged over the years, that would be really helpful!

6 Answers

Answered By WoodWhiz23 On

The color of cherry wood can be tricky. I’ve owned several cherry furniture pieces that weren't really that red—most are stained to enhance the color. Here’s a couple of my 20-year-old cherry pieces that I stained a 'fruitwood' color. This shows how they’ve aged: ![aged cherry pieces](

Answered By CherryHunter88 On

I totally get where you're coming from! I'm also trying to show my wife that cherry doesn't just look red. I need some proof to back me up!

Answered By WoodArtisan99 On

Check out this cherry chair of mine that's a few years old—it's starting to get some nice color! Here's the link to the photo: ![aged cherry chair](

Answered By DeskDoodler22 On

Here's a snapshot of my work desk—it’s a few years old and finished with armor-seal: ![work desk](

Answered By OriginalCherryFan5 On

Here’s a cherry pocket dump box I made—it's a few years old and finished with shellac and Danish oil: ![aged cherry pocket box](

Answered By CraftsmanMike On

I built this cherry item about 10 years ago—it's finished with Danish oil and paste wax: ![10 year old cherry piece](


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