Can I Use Milwaukee Adapters with a Ryobi Tri-Power Tripod?

Asked By User_92783 On

Hey everyone! I recently checked out a video on the Ryobi Tri-Power tripod and it sparked an idea. I'm thinking about using Milwaukee battery adapters at both the base and the top so I can power Milwaukee tools with Milwaukee batteries. Plus, since it's AC compatible, I could potentially run any M18 tools (like fans, lights, radios, etc.) through an extension cord. Has anyone else considered this setup? Do you think it's a feasible idea?

1 Answer

Answered By ToolFan_462 On

I say go for it if the price isn't too steep! With the right adapters, it should work just fine. Just make sure you're working outdoors and that what you’re powering isn’t something that could short out your whole setup or cause a fire. Ryobi isn’t a terrible fallback if it doesn’t pan out. I have a QuietStrike and a Ridgid battery adapter that’s been solid for me—still works great for tire pressure! 😊


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