Choosing Between 2600psi and 3000psi Pressure Washers: Any Insights?

Asked By User1234!@# On

I'm in the market for a new pressure washer and I'm considering two models: the DWPW3000 and the DWPW2600. The 3000psi model looks appealing, but the 2600psi one is $100 cheaper at my local store. Interestingly, the 2600 seems less popular and isn't mentioned on Dewalt's official site like the 3000 is. Is the 3000psi model being phased out? Does anyone have any experience with the 2600psi? I couldn't find many reviews online.

2 Answers

Answered By GPMFanatic_101 On

Just a heads-up, while psi is important, don't forget about the gallons per minute (gpm) rating. Once you're over 2500 psi, gpm becomes crucial for efficiency. A high psi without decent gpm would just slow you down on tougher clean-ups. I've learned this the hard way with my $500 pressure washer that didn't have the best gpm.

Answered By PressurePro688 On

I've got the 2600psi model. It's decent for everyday cleaning, but don't expect it to tackle tougher jobs too efficiently. If you're coming from an older, lower psi model, it'll feel like a nice upgrade! But for heavy-duty tasks, you might want to consider the 3000psi.


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