How Can I Start Composting Without Any Yard Waste?

Asked By g4rdenL0ver22 On

I'm eager to start composting but I'm facing a bit of a challenge: I don't have any brown or green materials lying around my yard to kick things off. I've heard that picking up a small bag of compost from the store might not be a good idea because it may lack essential microbes. So, I'm wondering if I'm totally out of luck or if there's anything I can buy from the store to help me get started?

2 Answers

Answered By cardboardCompostChamp On

I’ve had success composting kitchen scraps with cardboard from Amazon boxes. It works just fine!

Answered By leafLover97 On

Do you have a specific spot at home where you're planning to compost, like a bin? Starting to collect your kitchen scraps is a great idea! There's nothing wrong with grabbing some garden soil from the store to mix in with what you have. Just remember, composting is a marathon, not a sprint!


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