How Do I Fix a Leak Around My Window Frame?

Asked By Xx3L7eTz On

I've been dealing with a constant leak around my window frame, even after I re-caulked it just last month. I'm really looking for tips on how to find the true cause of the leak and make sure there's no hidden damage behind the walls. What tools or techniques should I use, and are there any specific materials I should consider for fixing this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answer

Answered By R3pairGuru99 On

To tackle that leak, start by removing the caulk and carefully checking the flashing, weep holes, and siding for any gaps. A moisture meter can help you find hidden water damage, or you could drill a small test hole to investigate further. If you notice any compromised areas, make sure to repair or replace those before recaulkxing with a high-quality exterior sealant for a better seal.


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