Hey everyone, I've got a bunch of twigs I want to dry out for a project I'm working on. I have a couple of questions that I've struggled to find clear answers to:
1. What steps should I take to prevent dry rot? Once the sticks are dried out, how do I keep them in good shape?
2. Can I use a glue or sealant to protect them from moisture and other damage? Would products like Mod Podge or Elmer's glue be good enough for sealing them?
Thanks a ton!
1 Answer
To keep your twigs from developing dry rot, make sure you store them in a dry area and keep them protected from rain or damp conditions. Once they’re dry, just keeping them in a dry place is usually enough. As for sealing, Elmer's glue is a solid choice for sealing the ends while they dry. If your twigs are still a bit green, they might take longer to dry out fully. In general, for lumber, it's often suggested to let them dry one year for every inch of thickness.