How to Properly Prepare Landscaping Beds for Mulch?

Asked By uG3rQ2f7 On

I'm gearing up to mulch a couple of landscaping beds and put down some rock in another area. There's some weed growth and a few leaves scattered around. I'm wondering if I should spray the weeds or just cut them down and cover them with mulch. Can I leave the leaves as they are, or should I clear them out even though I think they might add good compost value? Also, for the rock bed, I'm planning to use fabric to prevent the rocks from sinking and add a small plastic border to keep them from rolling into the lawn. Any advice on this would be super helpful!

1 Answer

Answered By uF5cR8s6 On

Using a layer of newspaper before the mulch can really help prevent weeds. Just be sure to overlap the sheets and use biodegradable paper (nothing glossy!). If the area is large, consider buying mulch by the truckload instead of individual bags. I personally put down cardboard under mine, but it takes a while to break down. I still deal with some aggressive crabgrass, but pulling that out is a breeze. How big is the space you're planning to mulch?


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