Is a $12k to $35k Quote for Shower Flooring Really Justified?

Asked By xXCrackedTileBusterXx On

I recently bought a new place and discovered some cracked shower tiles near the drain. I've talked to several general contractors about fixing it, and they all suggest replacing the entire shower floor along with the waterproof membrane. Their quotes are shockingly high, ranging from $12,000 to $35,000. I'm trying to stick to a tight budget, so I'm wondering if it's feasible to simply replace the cracked tiles and re-grout instead, despite potential water damage concerns. Also, I'm curious what other people might expect to pay for a project like this. Thanks in advance for any insights!

1 Answer

Answered By MastaTiler92 On

Those quotes you're getting are pretty outrageous! For a simple repair like this, you should be looking at $600 to $1,500 max, depending on who you hire. I’d suggest finding tile specialists instead of general contractors—they’ll likely offer more reasonable rates. I personally had my entire shower done for just $4,000. Don't let the GC's upsell you!


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