Is it okay to plant morning glories in a pot on concrete?

Asked By G4rDeN3r88 On

I'm considering planting morning glory seeds in a container on concrete because I want them to climb my gazebo, specifically up two wooden posts. I live in zone 6a in Ohio and plan to keep a close eye on them to prevent spreading. Is it morally wrong to do this?

3 Answers

Answered By PlantLover99 On

A lot of people worry about morning glories thinking they're like bindweed, but trust me, they're much easier to control. If you're worried, just pick the flowers off as soon as they bloom to stop them from seeding.

Answered By FlowerFanatic42 On

I grew morning glories in pots in zone 5 and had no problems at all! Just keep an eye out for their seedlings. They spread mostly by seeds, so if you see any, just pull them out and you're good to go.

Answered By GardenGuru07 On

You might want to look into some varieties that don't spread as much. I've heard 'Heavenly Blue' morning glories are a good choice because they don't set many seeds. Just avoid 'Grandpa Ott' – those can take over!


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