Is it safe to plant my lupins this week with a cloche?

Asked By LuP1nS4life On

I recently bought some small lupins from a garden center but haven't planted them yet since I got them quite early in the season. I've been bringing them indoors each night, but I'd rather get them in the ground now. Do you think they would do okay if I use some mulch and cover them with a cloche?

2 Answers

Answered By NatureLover_92 On

I have my lupins sprouting just fine without a cloche! If yours are big enough, I don't see a problem with planting them now. Just be cautious of unexpected weather.

Answered By GreenThumb2023 On

It's supposed to warm up over the next week, but just keep an eye out! Planting them with a cloche could work, but you don't want to rush it if the temps drop again.


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