Is it Safe to Use Dryer Lint as Garden Mulch?

Asked By xYz23!aBc On

I have a mix of natural and synthetic fibers in my clothes, and I'm wondering if it would be safe to use my dryer lint as mulch in the garden. I'm not sure about the dyes used in my clothes either. Any thoughts?

2 Answers

Answered By m1croPlast1cH8ter On

Not a great idea to use dryer lint as mulch. You're likely just introducing microplastics into your garden. Plus, a lot of lint comes from synthetic materials, which can be harmful to soil health over time. Better to be safe and skip it!

Answered By EcoGardener42 On

I wouldn’t recommend it unless your clothes are entirely made from natural fibers like cotton or wool and have been washed with eco-friendly soaps. Even then, there's a risk of contaminants from dyes and chemicals used in manufacturing. If you're following organic gardening practices, this could work against your efforts.


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