Is There a Smart Power Controller for Excess Solar Production?

Asked By XyZ_123!@# On

Hey everyone! I'm on the lookout for a smart power controller that can manage my energy consumption based on solar production. Ideally, I'd like to connect it to a significant appliance like a water heater or potentially an electric vehicle in the future. The controller would need to communicate with my inverter to detect when there's excess solar power that can't be used immediately or stored in the battery. Since my inverter has WiFi, it should be able to send this information wirelessly. Does anyone know if such a device exists?

1 Answer

Answered By SolarGuru99 On

You might want to consider setting up a contactor controlled by something like Solar Assistant. This way, you can create an algorithm that knows when you're generating more solar energy than you're consuming, allowing the controller to manage your power effectively.


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