Looking for Recommendations on Cordless Lawnmowers

Asked By G4rD3nF3n1x On

With spring approaching, I'm considering getting a cordless lawnmower for my new build house. The garden is relatively small to medium-sized, and I'm on the lookout for a mower that has a decent cutting width—not too large, but not tiny either. I would love to hear your suggestions on which make and model might be the best fit!

3 Answers

Answered By M0wM4n88 On

I've been using the one from Argos, and it's been fantastic! I have a long garden and really appreciated that it's cordless. The battery lasts about 30 minutes, perfect for my lawn that only takes around 20 minutes to mow. It’s been going strong for five years now!

Answered By GrassWhisperer On

I picked up a Husqvarna lc-34 last year and it's been amazing! It adjusts power as needed, is super light, and the battery is compatible with other tools too. Definitely worth considering!

Answered By RyObiFan99 On

I went with a Ryobi mower since I already had their tools and batteries. It works brilliantly! You can expect about 30-40 minutes of usage from a 5amp/hr battery, and I even got a cylinder mower that I love. It's so nice not dealing with a cord!


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