Need Advice on Specialty Planes for Woodworking

Asked By WoodCrafter123 On

Hey everyone! I'm a newbie to woodworking with hand tools, and I'm diving deeper into the craft. I've been learning about different specialty planes like shoulder planes, rabbet planes, router planes, and others, but I'm getting a bit confused about their specific uses and overlaps. I've built a few small projects using a Stanley No. 4, Veritas low angle jack, and a 60 1/2 block plane, along with some chisels. Now, I'm eager to get more efficient with joinery techniques like mortise and tenons, dados, rabbets, and tongue and grooves. What specialty planes do you recommend as essential for various joinery techniques, and how do they differ or improve upon what I already have?

1 Answer

Answered By SawMaster99 On

It's great that you're getting into woodworking! Just a quick thought: have you considered how important good sawing technique is? Before diving into specialty planes, focusing on sharpening your saw skills might simplify your planing work in the long run. Better sawing equals easier planing!


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