Hey folks! I'm new to taking care of houseplants and I'm facing some anxiety due to contamination concerns linked to my OCD. I've been responsible for my boyfriend's two plants (a fig tree bonsai and a wax leaf plant) and I've managed to keep them alive for a few months! Recently, I picked up a Pothos and an Aglaonema Tricolor Pictum. After bringing them home, I learned that the Aglaonema can be toxic if ingested or touched because of its sap, which sent me into a panic since it had been on my kitchen counter, my hands, and in my car. I've eaten after touching it too, though I think I washed my hands. Now I'm worried that I've contaminated my home. I'd love to hear from other growers, especially those with OCD, about how to deal with these concerns. Here are my questions: 1. How seriously should I take the toxicity of this plant? And what does "toxic" really mean for people? 2. Why are these toxic plants available for sale without proper warnings? How do others deal with plants that have toxicity risks? Any advice would be super helpful!
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