Thinking About Trying an Olla System for My Garden – Any Tips?

Asked By G4rdenF4nC3r88 On

I'm considering experimenting with an olla irrigation system this year by burying some clay pots in my garden for my tomatoes and peppers. Since I have limited space (16 x 24), part of which is already taken up by perennials like asparagus, garlic, and horseradish, I'm wondering if there's anything specific I should know before getting started. I'd like to group my plants in fours with a pot in the center, but I might have to adjust that plan depending on the size of the pots I use. Also, apart from unglazed clay pots, are there other inexpensive options out there? Has anyone here tried ollas? What are the pros and cons?

1 Answer

Answered By TomatoTinker99 On

I set up a simple DIY olla last year and it worked wonders for my young tomato plants. Just a terracotta pot with the bottom sealed and a saucer on top did the trick. I recommend starting this experiment, especially if you're focusing on younger, leafy plants, as they might benefit the most from the additional moisture. Perennials like garlic and asparagus usually have more established roots and may not need the help as much.


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