Tips for a 17-Year-Old Looking to Land a Summer Job in Landscaping

Asked By XtremeBeast99 On

Hey everyone! I'm a 17-year-old guy aiming to score a job in landscaping this summer. I'm physically capable of handling the work, and I don't mind the summer heat, even though it's pretty intense where I live. My main question is: how likely is it for landscaping companies to hire a minor like me? I've got three years of experience in a different field, and I'm ready to work full-time for the whole summer, as long as it's allowed. Do many companies hire summer employees? Any advice or insights would be really appreciated! Thanks!

1 Answer

Answered By GrassGuru84 On

You should be able to find a landscaping job! Check out local golf courses or country clubs; they often need summer help. I used to mow grass at a country club when I was your age, and it was a great gig!


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