What Are Solar Optimizers and Do I Need to Replace Them?

Asked By SunnyD4Y$ On

I'm considering swapping out my SolarEdge inverter for an EG4 18K to add batteries to my system, which currently has three strings and a total of 11kw. I thought I could simply disconnect the strings from the SolarEdge inverter and connect them to the EG4. However, the installer mentioned that I would have to replace the optimizers installed under my solar panels, which would be a costly process involving taking off all the panels. So, I'm curious: what exactly are optimizers? Are they specific to certain inverters? And would I definitely need to replace them?

2 Answers

Answered By SolarSavant On

Optimizers are useful in DC systems because they help maintain the output of your solar modules, especially if you have shading issues or a complex roof layout. If you're thinking of adding batteries, you could consider upgrading to a bigger inverter. But remember, if you go with a combiner instead of an inverter, you'll have to swap the optimizers for microinverters, which operate differently. Keep in mind that NEC codes vary depending on where you live.

Answered By TechGuru99 On

From what I understand, SolarEdge optimizers are specifically designed to work with SolarEdge inverters. They optimize the performance of each panel, but if you're changing to a different inverter like the EG4, you might need to replace those optimizers as they won't be compatible. What’s the main reason for switching the inverter? You mentioned wanting to add batteries—there could be options to AC couple your existing setup instead!


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