What are some small trellis options for growing cucumbers vertically?

Asked By Gard3nLover99 On

I'm planning to grow cucumbers in the ground this year after growing them in pots last year. We're short on space and want them to grow vertically, but I'm unsure if a simple pole would do the job or if I should invest in a trellis. If a trellis is the way to go, are there any smaller, budget-friendly options that work well?

2 Answers

Answered By GrowItRight23 On

A bamboo teepee can be perfect for cucumbers! I’ve used it before and they love to climb. Plus, it keeps everything organized and out of the way. You can find bamboo sticks at garden centers or even make one from sticks in your yard if you're feeling crafty.

Answered By PlantWiz88 On

If you’re not looking to spend much, try using two tall metal fence posts. Just stake them in the ground and run some clothesline or wire between them. Last year, I found posts for about $12 each, and they held up pretty well for my cucumbers. It’s cost-effective and easy to set up!


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