I discovered some rotted sheathing while demo-ing my bathroom. There's a big window above the affected area, and the plywood closest to the bottom feels rock hard, but about two inches below the window, it starts getting soft, and by five inches, it's so weak that I could poke through it with some pressure. It's around three feet of soft wood, while the bottom section seems fine. I'm hoping the subfloor is okay since I'm currently cutting through a cast iron tub. Any advice on how to handle this from the inside? I'm a bit stressed but trying to keep calm. Thanks!
1 Answer
You might want to try applying a good mold prevention primer without messing with the outside. Then, put in some 1/2" plywood in each affected area using a lot of liquid nails. Secure it with some 2x2s attached to the studs and don’t forget to fix the window's caulking and waterproofing too!