What to Do About a Dishonest Handyman Abandoning My Renovation?

Asked By U5eR8fD3 On

I've been having some issues with my handyman who is bailing on my home renovations halfway through the project. I've already paid him for more than what he actually got done. I'm planning to hire someone else to finish the job, but I want to make sure I'm protected in case this handyman tries to put a lien on my property for the work that the new person does. Any advice?

3 Answers

Answered By JustAnotherDay On

If he isn’t licensed in your state, that may hinder his ability to put a lien on your property. Check the requirements and stay informed. A phone call might resolve things if you leverage that info!

Answered By FixerUpper77 On

A solid rule to follow is to never pay more than what has been completed. Unfortunately, it sounds like he might vanish without a trace now. If he's unlicensed, it could be tough for him to place a lien on your property, so that's a plus.

Answered By C0mplet0r On

It's crucial to document everything. I suggest taking a detailed video showing all the work that was completed and include a time/date stamp. Keep all your payment records and receipts handy along with the contract. This way, if anything comes up, you'll have proof of what was done.


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