Hey everyone! 😊 I'm about to visit my old home one last time before selling, and I want to take a cutting from my fuchsia bush to grow a new plant for my future garden. I've never done this before, so I'm looking for guidance. What part of the bush should I cut from for the best chance of success? How long should the cutting be? Do I need to use rooting powder when I get home? Any other tips would be super helpful! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
2 Answers
If your fuchsia has started to sprout new growth, definitely grab a green shoot! If it's still dormant, it might be trickier. My method is to just snip off a piece, stick it in a glass of water on a windowsill until it roots, then pot it up and increase the pot size as it grows. I know that’s not the 'official' way, but it works for me!
Honestly, if you can dig up part of the bush, that might be a better option. Cutting season is tricky right now, plus you can't guarantee the new owners will let you take any cuttings if they decide to do renovations. If you're set on cuttings, take a tip that has 4 leaves—remove the bottom two leaves and plant the stem under the soil. Hormone powder can help, but it’s optional. Good luck!