Where’s the Best Place to Buy Seeds? Is Amazon Reliable?

Asked By g4rD3N_L0v3r92 On

I'm on the hunt for seeds—specifically, I need bulk wildflower seeds (1/4 pound), a pack of 2000 mountain mint seeds, some herbs, and more. I've been considering buying from Amazon, but is that a safe option? Where do you recommend I get my seeds from?

3 Answers

Answered By plant_happiness99 On

I've had great luck with Johnny's Selected Seeds! They have a wide variety and their seeds germinate well. Also, for bulk wildflowers, you might try Outside Pride—I bought bulk clover and calendula, and both had impressive germination rates.

Answered By unique_gardener57 On

If you're looking for something different, I found a wonderful Etsy shop that sells unique seeds. I ordered some fun stuff like pink lettuce and black jalapeños. It's nice to support small sellers too! Check out Seed Cult on Etsy.

Answered By seedenthusiast_88 On

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend buying seeds from Amazon. It's better to go directly to suppliers who focus on quality. Amazon doesn’t have strict quality controls, which can be a gamble. Check out Southern Seed Exchange; they’re a co-op based in Virginia and specialize in heirloom and open-pollinated seeds.


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