Why Won’t My Car DVD Player Read My Homemade DVDs?

Asked By User9283!x On

I'm having trouble with my car's DVD player not recognizing a home-recorded DVD. I'm wondering if the issue is related to the lens or possibly the firmware. I've noticed that the player can read commercial DVDs just fine, but it struggles with the ones I burn myself. Any ideas on what might be going wrong?

2 Answers

Answered By HomeBrewFan22 On

Is your home DVD a video or audio format? Just checking since some car players might struggle to access certain types of DVDs. If it’s a DVD video and plays fine on other devices, then it might just be picky about burned discs.

Answered By TechGuru99@ On

It might be a compatibility issue with the type of DVD you used. Different players can have preferences for DVD+R or DVD-R formats. Also, make sure the disc was finalized during the recording process; if not, the player might not be able to recognize it at all. That was always a hassle back in the day!


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