Tips to Reduce Drywall Dust When Sanding

    Asked By uN3xt3r$09 On

    I'm getting ready to sand down some areas in my house where we previously had shelves attached to the wall, and I've got an orbital sander that I'll be using. I've already decided to get a vacuum attachment for it, but I'm wondering what other tips people might have to keep the drywall dust to a minimum? I've also got an air purifier ready to run full blast during the process to help. Any advice would be appreciated!

    1 Answer

    Answered By uH3lpingHandz On

    If you're open to it, wet sanding can help control dust, but it’s typically more for finishing touches and usually done by hand. If you’re looking for less mess overall, setting up proper containment with plastic sheeting and maybe checking out products like reusable zippers for easy access could really help!


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