I have noticed that the manufacturer showing up for a few of the tools in the parkside range are called Grizzly Tools. I see they have a website with a lot of the same tools just in a different color. They seem pretty legit. Anyone know if they are a good manufacturer?
1 Answer
Yes, I would consider them to be one of the better brands that Lidl use to source the tools in the Parkside range. You are always best to look the tool up in advance to be sure but you are normally quite safe with this brand. You will notice that the tools on the grizzly website are quite a bit more expensive than what you pay for them in Lidl stores, so you are definitely getting a good deal.
I have included grizzly tools in the list of best Parkside manufacturers for the reason that they are generally quite solid and reliable. Any of the manufacturers in this list can be trusted to provide fairly solid and reliable tools.