Hey everyone! I'm living in an apartment with a northeast-facing balcony, which means two sides are blocked by buildings, but I do have some exposure to the north and east sky. It rains a lot where I am, so I don't get much direct sunlight—mostly partial and indirect light. I'm really eager to grow tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, and perhaps a few other veggies, but I'm concerned about whether I'll get enough sunlight for those plants to thrive. Should I invest in grow lights, or is it even possible to grow these vegetables in my situation? I don't have a meter to check the light levels, so I'm just looking for some advice from anyone who might be in a similar position. Thanks in advance!
1 Answer
Given that your balcony faces northeast, I'd say it's going to be tough for tomatoes and peppers. You'd need at least 6 hours of direct sun for those to grow fruitfully. If that’s not the case, consider options like lettuce or arugula which can manage with lower light.