How Can I Block Out Street Noise in NYC?

Asked By N3w_Y0rk3r99 On

Hey everyone, I live in New York and my bedroom is right next to a busy street. The non-stop noise from cars, buses, ambulances, and police sirens is driving me crazy—I really can't stand it! It's affecting my sleep at night too. I'm looking for tips or solutions to help block out this street noise. Any suggestions?

3 Answers

Answered By ManhattanLifer On

Did you just move in recently? It took me a bit to adjust when I lived in Manhattan—after a while, you kind of get used to it. But I totally get how frustrating it can be at first.

Answered By SoundProofed On

You might want to look into soundproof windows or adding some heavy curtains for extra insulation. There are also some products specifically designed to reduce noise that you could try!

Answered By SilentN8 On

Have you thought about using ear muffs? They can help block a lot of the noise. Just make sure to get a comfortable pair, since wearing them for long periods can be tough on your ears.


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