Is $2,200 a Fair Price for Installing Hardwood Flooring in NJ?

Asked By Xx_HardwoodHero_xX On

Hey everyone! A family friend is offering to install hardwood flooring for me in a space of 460 square feet, and he's asking for $2,200 for the labor, which breaks down to around $5 per square foot. I bought the hardwood myself and handled the carpet removal. My dad feels like this might be on the pricey side. I'm curious about what you all think of this price. The person doing the work has a good track record, and it's just one large square room with pre-finished hardwood. Any insights?

3 Answers

Answered By DoItYourselfDude On

If you're concerned about the cost, consider getting a few more quotes or even tackling the installation yourself. Installing hardwood isn’t too complicated. I’ve installed over 1000 square feet in my place using a stapler, a miter saw, a table saw, and an air compressor. You might just need a string to get the first row straight!

Answered By BudgetBuilder99 On

Do either you or your dad have any experience installing hardwood? If not, factor in the time to learn and the cost of tools. If you can handle it for less than $2,200, that’s a great option!

Answered By PlankMaster83 On

$2,200 seems reasonable for labor on 460 square feet, especially if the layout is straightforward. I've paid about the same for labor on a similar project, though finishing isn't included in that price. If your dad thinks it’s too high, he could always check out other quotes or offer to help with the installation.


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