Just Got My First Iron! What Else Do I Need for Soldering?

Asked By User1234!@# On

Hey everyone! I just bought my first soldering iron, the Hakko 888D, and I'm really excited to start using it. It came with a wet sponge and a brass scrub, and I've also picked up some 60/40 lead rosin core solder from Home Depot. I'm wondering if I need any additional supplies, like flux for cleaning the iron, and what else might be essential to have. I really want to take care of my iron and avoid any mistakes. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

1 Answer

Answered By SolderGuru77 On

Congrats on the first iron! A few essentials you might want to consider are some flux, which is really helpful when soldering. Just make sure to get RMA flux (Rosin, Mildly Activated) because some types, like plumbing flux, can damage circuits if not cleaned properly. Keeping the iron tip tinned when not in use is also super important – it helps to keep it in good condition. You could also check out a solder wick and a small copper brush; they’re great for cleaning up any mess. And honestly, there's not too much maintenance involved as long as you take care of it!


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