Looking for 4′ x 12′ 3/4″ Plywood in SoCal – Need Help!

Asked By XxY0urN1ghtm4rexx On

Hey folks! I'm on the hunt for some 4 ft x 12 ft 3/4" plywood in Southern California. I'm looking to make a 12 ft long shelf and I really need a single solid piece for it. I'm considering cutting a 12 ft butcher block slab as a backup, but I would prefer plywood. I plan to sand and paint it, so the surface texture isn't a huge concern for me. Any ideas on where I can find this size?

1 Answer

Answered By J3ff4r00 On

You might find that size, but it's likely going to be sheathing or flooring grade, not the kind you'd want for a nice finish. Instead, you could think about using 1/2" Baltic birch plywood. If you join two pieces with staggered joints, you'll get a solid inch thickness without the seam showing too much on top.


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