Looking for Recommendations on 20V Laser Line Tools

Asked By bR4nd0n_89 On

I'm in the market for a reliable laser line tool that operates on a 20V battery. I've had a cheap one that runs on AA batteries for a while, but it seems like I can never get it to work when I need it since the batteries are always dead. I think a 20V would be much more convenient for my projects. Has anyone had good or bad experiences with 20V laser lines? Thanks!

1 Answer

Answered By Laser4Lyfe99 On

I got the 20V cross line green laser (not the 360 version). The only downside I've faced is that the vertical line doesn't reach all the way down, so it's fine if you set it on the ground, but when it’s on a tripod, it kinda misses the bottom part of the wall. Otherwise, it does the job! I appreciate it more than my previous Bosch 360, which I didn’t want to splurge on again, but it would be nice to have a 20V option that's not bulky.


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