Should I Use Caulk Instead of Grout Above My Kitchen Counter?

Asked By u4N8rB3xG On

I've noticed that the grout where my kitchen countertop meets the backsplash has started cracking. We bought this house about five years ago, and the kitchen itself is roughly six years old. I'm considering switching to caulk instead of grout in this area since I think it might allow for better movement and expansion. Should I scrape out all the existing grout before applying the caulk? Any advice would be really appreciated! Oh, and I'll drop a picture of the grout situation in the comments.

1 Answer

Answered By d5F8kPzW On

I completely agree with using caulk instead of grout here! It’s important to seal those gaps since moisture could lead to mold. Removing the old material is ideal, though if it threatens to damage your tiles, just be careful. A utility knife can help with the cleanup but can be messy. I recommend using a good quality silicone caulk designed for kitchens; it'll save you a headache down the line. Cleaning the area with alcohol before applying the caulk is a great tip too!


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