Stripped Screw Holes on My Desk Drawer – Need Solutions!

Asked By u42D!gF9#tY3s On

I've got stripped screw holes on my desk drawer, and I'm running out of options! I tried the toothpick method, but it didn't work because the holes aren't deep enough. Anyone have alternative fixes for this?

3 Answers

Answered By u4Df3R@1qBb On

If you still have space, consider gluing a piece of wood on the back side and filling the hole with glue before pre-drilling for the screws. If it’s too tight, you might need to drill a larger hole and then glue in a hardwood dowel instead.

Answered By uJ3w2#8MrPc On

I get that these things can be tricky! If you're frustrated, maybe save yourself the hassle and grab something like the SpeedOut screw extractor. It can help remove stripped screws without tearing things up.

Answered By u87m6$zAq0C On

One good option is to glue a dowel into the hole. Once the glue has dried, you can cut the dowel flush with the surface and then reinstall the screw. It's a pretty solid fix!


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