What Are Those Plastic Pieces in the Back Corners of My Bosch Dishwasher For?

Asked By User2345! On

I've got a Bosch dishwasher and I'm wondering about those two plastic pieces in the back corners. They're the only thing keeping the dishwasher from fitting under my countertops, and I can't imagine they'd affect how it functions. Initially, I thought they were just for shipping protection, but in every installation video I've seen, people leave them on! Anyone have insights on this?

1 Answer

Answered By FixItFred98 On

Those plastic pieces are usually just shipping blocks meant to protect the unit during transport. It’s pretty common for dishwashers to come with them—they're not normally needed once the dishwasher is installed. But since you mentioned people left them on in videos, it's good to double-check with the installation manual just in case! You might want to see if they can be removed easily or if they’re actually integrated into the design.


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