What do you do with all your tool cases?

Asked By T0ols4days99 On

I've gathered more than 10 tool cases, including around 8 hard plastic ones and several soft cloth ones. Since I'm not a contractor, they're just collecting dust on my shelves. It feels wasteful to throw them out, but they really take up a lot of space in my small workshop. What does everyone else do with theirs?

2 Answers

Answered By ArtfulDabbler88 On

I saved one case for trips when I help friends. I also use a couple for my art supplies like brushes and paints. It’s good to reuse what you can, but I’m also curious to see what others suggest!

Answered By CraftyChick123 On

I'd recommend keeping a couple of cases for transporting tools or bits. You can donate the rest to thrift stores or maybe sell them at a garage sale. Those options might help clear some space!


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