What’s the Best Way to Power My Garage Door Opener?

Asked By G4r4g3D0or99 On

I'm aware that using an extension cord for my garage door opener isn't recommended. I'm considering three options: 1) Moving or adding an outlet, 2) Replacing the existing cord with a longer one (which would mean opening the unit), and 3) Splicing the cord to extend its length without opening the unit. Is option #3 a realistic choice?

3 Answers

Answered By W1ll4m_C3ll3r On

Using a heavy-duty extension cord is an option, but you need to ensure it’s a good quality one, preferably UL or ETL listed. That said, you'd be better off just installing a proper outlet for a more permanent solution.

Answered By S3rgi0_88 On

Honestly, I'd skip the splice approach. An extension cord can work if it's the right type – like a quality, 12 or 14-gauge one – but it’s really about safety. The best bet is to move the outlet or add a new one; it's just a more reliable fix in the long run.

Answered By T3chSavvy1 On

I'd go with option 1. Every opener usually comes with a short cord, so if you can't reach the outlet, future openers won't either. Splicing the cord seems risky and not worth it. Just add a new outlet – it’ll save you headaches later!


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