What’s Your Favorite Type of Chives to Grow and Use?

Asked By ChiveLover42 On

Chives are such a versatile herb that adds a nice flavor to many dishes. I love how easy they are to grow! I didn't know there were four main types until recently. I already have seeds for common and garlic chives, and I'm thinking about adding Siberian and Giant Siberian to my garden as well. I'd love to hear what types you all prefer to grow and use in your cooking! What dishes do you like to add chives to?

2 Answers

Answered By GardenGuru99 On

I've been growing Siberian chives for a while, and they're pretty hardy! They have a stronger flavor, which I enjoy using in soups and dips. If you're expanding your garden, the Giant Siberian can be fun—just be ready for a lot of chives!

Answered By HerbGuy77 On

Thanks for sharing your excitement about chives! I love growing garlic chives, and I find they add a unique kick to stir-fries and salads. Have you tried them in potatoes? They mix really well with mashed potatoes, too!


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